keskiviikko 28. syyskuuta 2011

Islam today in Finland: In response, other forum members echoed the call for action, with one requesting Seppo Lehto's personal address be posted and suggesting that a cleaver be used to cut off his head, and the other urging jihadists to follow him and burn him and his house

SITE Intelligence Group (subscription)
In response, other forum members echoed the call for action, with one requesting Seppo Lehto's personal address be posted and suggesting that a cleaver be used to cut off his head, and the other urging jihadists to follow him and burn him and his house

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  1. Prominent Jihadist Renews Call for Murder of Finnish Far-Right Activist

    Category: Jihadist News/Jihadist News
    A prominent jihadist renewed his call for Muslims in Finland to "cut off the head" of Seppo Olavi Lehto after Lehto requested protection against the threat. The jihadist, "Abu Suleiman al-Nasser," ... Sep 23, 2011
  2. Prominent Jihadist Calls for Murder of Finnish Far-Right Activist

    Category: Jihadist News/Jihadist News
    A prominent jihadist called upon Muslims in Finland to "cut off the head" of Seppo Olavi Lehto, a Finnish far-right activist who videotaped himself drawing a pig and calling it the Prophet Muhammad. ... Sep 16, 2011
